1. Make as many anchor charts ahead of time as possible. Here are some that I have found on Pinterest that I will make ahead, laminate, and reuse year-after-year.
2. I would also like to develop a plan for my writing block. I feel like I really need to work on how I teach writing. I know our school is working on everyone adopting a writing workshop format, but we really haven't had much direction and knowing me I always work best with a goal and plan in mind. I know that I am going to work on creating a writing process check-in chart to hang in my classroom.
3. Spend as much time with my baby as possible. I am dreading the thought of him going to a babysitter. He has changed so much in the last 7 weeks. I don't want to miss a thing.

4. Either find on TpT common core related learning objectives and I Can statements or create my own. Next year, we have to most objectives in our classroom. Of course I want mine to look super cute.
5. Create a space in my room where early finishers can have a place to find work to do. Last year I always said read a book. I got tired of saying it and they got tired of doing the same thing. (I was horrible. :( )
There's a short version of my list. :)