Friday, July 5, 2013

Favorite Pins...Classroom Organization

For this post I am going to focus on my ten favorite classroom organization pins that I would like to incorporate into my classroom next school year.
I like the idea of only focusing on one topic at a time. My brain is flowing and I need some way to manage it. :) This coming week I am only going to work on creating organizing things.
So here they are. My top ten favorite classroom organization pins to focus on this week.
1. I have the perfect bookshelf to do this with. My plan is to place my word work centers that will be out all year in the file folders. I can't wait to see how this will work.Add folders to the backside of a bookcase for small extension activities or center work. Nice classroom pics
2. I like this idea and I think it looks super cute. I just don't know if it will work for me. I might just have to make it and test it out to see.
I LOVE THIS IDEA! duct tape and folders to create this - don't need to buy another pocket chart!
3. I love this frame notes idea. I was recently cleaning out my basement and I found the perfect frame that would work for this. I plan on writing important reminders on it each week.Dry erase boards made out of picture frames! This would be awesome for a teacher's desk to keep reminders/to do's on. Wouldn't get lost in all the other papers :)
4. This drop box will work wonders. Last year my littles would be so excited to hand me important notes right when they walked in the door. Even though I told them to keep them in their take-home folder they still felt the need to hand them to me. I'm going to try this and see if it works better.
For notes, money, etc.
5. I like the idea of having everything displayed. It just seems to make sense. I have a spot for this at the front of my room. We will see if it works out with the new layout I plan on doing.
I LOVE how she used her board so that each subject can stay up throughout the day. A genius professor of mine once said that elementary school should not feel like a segmented day, "Ok we're done with that now next is this.." It should flow from one to another. This board organization would really help the flow of the day...
6. I am constantly changing my reading groups. I waste so much paper righting the groups out, rewriting them, and then writing them again to make them look nice and neat. This will save me tons of time and paper. :)
organizing guided reading
7. Having everything at your finger tips makes everything run smoothly. I love the idea of having drawers with manipulatives just for me at my finger tips. It makes the idea of principal walk throws less scary knowing that I won't have to stop and search for something that I need to continue a lesson.
Core Drawers -- instructions for what to put in a drawer bin at the teaching area. Great ideas.
8. Last year my anecdotal notes consisted of a piece of notebook paper and I wrote names and notes all on one piece of paper. But when it came time for grade cards or conferences it was just a mess and hard to find notes about a particular student. This will be great and it will help keeps my notes organized.
use address labels, clipboard, and large index cards. Write your notes on the address labels as you walk around and observe. Later, stick them onto the child's index card. Quick and easy! Then, during parent/teacher conferences, just pull out the note card and share your observations.
9. I have had this idea pinned since last summer. I never tried it but I think it will be a life saver. I had so many littles not put names on papers last year. Like, there were so many that I ended up just throwing their work away because no one could claim there work. This will NOT happen again this year! I REFUSE! 
Students must highlight their name before putting it in the tray. Great way to make sure all papers have names! LOVE THIS!!
10. Remember how I said I had a not so well behaved class last year. I'm hoping it was just that group of students and not a first grade thing. But I am going to do everything in my power to not let things get out of control. I am going to pick a mystery walker each time we head out into the hallway. It's just one more way to keep my littles under control. Wish me luck!
FUN Hallway Behavior Management Idea. Before you leave the classroom pick a chip with a students name but don't tell who it is. They are the mystery walker and you are watching that student the entire time. If they do a good job in the hall, they get a ticket or prize.
Now, just for a little humor....
So true!
I can only hope! :)
Be sure to link up with Cara from the First Grade Parade's Favorite Pins Linky Party.

Yours in Teaching,


  1. I love the drop box idea. Great pins!!!


  2. I love every single one of these pins, thanks for sharing them all!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  3. Just found your blog through the linky! Very cute :)


  4. Found your sweet blog through the linky! The drop box idea is perfect!
    Thanks for sharing and happy to be your newest follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  5. I'm visiting from the linky party as well. These pins were great. I can always use more organizational strategies.
    La Señorita Creativa

  6. Your e-card is so true, both for homes and classrooms...

    There were some new to me ideas for this coming school year!

    Thanks for sharing,
    The Classroom Creative

  7. I am glad I found your blog from this linky, you have a lot of great ideas.I loved your card, I am hoping that is true. That has been a huge focus for me this summer. I actually just bought one of those drawer carts today- I like seeing how other people are using them and getting ideas for how I want to use it.


  8. The drop box is great - I will use that too. I use the drawers, I have two sets - one for guided reading and the other for maths. They work really well and the kids are used to checking them out for tasks and work not finished. That 's' on the end of math gives me away as an Aussie blogger.
    Paula Paula’s Place and
    iSURF Maths

  9. Found your blog through the linky! Always great to find new friends!

    From Blood to Books!

  10. Hello,
    I love you blog and glad I found it. I have a question where did you find your first pin?

    1. I'm not exactly sure. The link will be under my classroom organization board on Pinterest.

  11. LOVE that Guided Reading folder velcro idea!!! Will DEFinitely do that! I may put each kiddo's student number instead of their name so I can use them year after year without re-doing....
    Growing Firsties

  12. Where did you get your drawers?

    1. Those are actually just a pin I found on Pinterest. I sadly don't own them. BUT! I did just see those drawers at Sam's Club for only $24.99 over the weekend. I have also spotted them in the Really Good Stuff or Lakeshore magazine but they were around $60. :/....Hope that helps!

  13. #9 should be their, not there.

  14. Great post! Been reading a lot about classroom organization. Thanks for the info here!

  15. What kind of folders do you use for #1?

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